IPAEA condemns targeting of journalists in Kenya during recent protests

The International Press Association of East Africa is deeply alarmed by multiple
reports of violent targeting of journalists covering the recent protests and civil
unrest in Kenya. Reported incidents include uniformed and plain-clothes police
targeting journalists with teargas, the arrest and detainment of journalists for
reporting on demonstrations, and attacks on journalists by protesters and looters,
with incidents of equipment theft and property damage.

IPAEA has recorded eight separate incidents of violence targeting journalists on
Monday 27th March, against some of its members and other reporters, as well as
more incidents the previous week.

The association strongly condemns the violent targeting of journalists and calls on
protesters and the police to respect journalists’ right to work.

The association also calls on the leaders of both the Government and the political
opposition to make it explicitly clear that the targeting of journalists, violently or
otherwise, for doing their jobs, is unacceptable.

Journalism is not a crime, and journalists must be allowed to freely do their jobs.


IPAEA is calling on East African governments to protect journalists.


IPAEA condemns expulsion of The Economist correspondent Tom Gardner from Ethiopia