The IPAEA counts some of the best photojournalists in East Africa amongst its members.

They capture what makes and shakes the region, from conflicts and the consequences of climate change to social movements and radically new ideas; from the powerful to the powerless; intimate moments and pubic spectacles.

We want to enable you to take some of these moments home with you. And we want to support our members - many of them freelancers  - by giving them an opportunity to share their work more widely.

The prints will be available to purchase below - soon!


Any IPAEA, FCASA and IPAU member is able to submit a maximum of five photos to the sale.

If the photographer is not a member he/she can join the IPAEA at a discounted rate of 1500 KES (for one year). Information on how to join is here.

How Much?

8x10 inches (20.32 x 25.4 cm) - $125.00

16x20 inches (40.64 x 50.8cm) - $195.00

*Special editions (40.64 x 50.8cm) - upto $250.00


The photographs showcased will be news and documentary photos - in line with the IPAEA as an association of journalists.

Who Gets What?

The photographer receives 80 percent of the profits. The IPAEA gets 20 percent which will help fund the association and its projects.


We will initially offer this sale in Kenya and the US, later we plan to add more countries.

Any Questions?



If you want to take part in the sale….

  1. Fill out this Terms & Information Form which includes all the conditions and more details.

  2. Fill out this Photo Submission Form with the details of your photograph. Please note you have to submit a new form for each of your photos.

  3. At the end of the Photo Submission Form you’ll find the link to the folder where you can upload your photo(s).