Join the IPAEA

Why join the IPAEA?

Because the IPAEA does a lot of great things to support journalists and journalism in East Africa:

  • We put on regular events like monthly socials and screenings of fantastic African documentaries.

  • We organise media briefings with experts on topics that our members are covering (some are for journalist members only, others open to both journalist and associate members).

  • You can connect with other journalists in the region through our closed WhatsApp (journalist members only) and Facebook groups (journalist and associate members). This comes in very handy when you’re searching for a phone number of that minister…

  • We advocate on your behalf if you are under pressure for your work.

  • We lend out personal protective equipment (PPE) like flak jackets and organise trainings.

  • You receive all our newsletters with the latest information on events.

  • You can become a member of Baraza Media Lab ( at a 10% discount.

Who can join?

Journalist Members: Any journalist, photojournalist, cameraperson or producer – from or based in East Africa and/or covering the region for international media.
Associate Members: Communication officers, press attachés and other communication professionals in the region.


  • Staff members are asked to provide a letter from an employer confirming their position.

  • Freelance members are asked to provide two links to published work or a recommendation letter from an editor or producer.

  • Associate members are asked to provide a letter from their employer confirming their position. Please note associate members are excluded from voting, carrying a membership card and joining the WhatsApp group.

  • All joining members must submit a passport-size photograph.


  • Staff: 6,000 Ksh / 50 USD

  • Freelance: 4,000 Ksh / 35 USD

  • Associate (staff): 6,000 Ksh / 50 USD

  • Associate (freelance/self-employed): 4,000 Ksh / 35 USD

Membership is valid on a calendar year basis. New members joining after 1 October automatically receive membership for the following year.

How to Join

  1. Submit your membership registration or renewal application using the button below.

  2. Send your payment via MPESA of PAYPAL

  3. Email your MPESA or PAYPAL confirmation code to the IPAEA Programme Officer - Natasha ( with the subject heading “NAME – Payment Code - Payment Type” (i.e.  Jane Smith – Payment Code - MPESA)

MPESA Payment

  • Paybill business number: 437920

  • Account number: YOUR FULL NAME (i.e. Jane Smith)

Paypal Payment

Membership Type

Please note, applications and membership cards can take up to two weeks to process after your payment has been received.
If you need a faster turnaround, we offer you the option of getting the card within 48 hours for an additional 2000 Ksh. Please after payment add “Premium” to your mail header.

Currently, you will need a Google account to register online.
If you would prefer to register manually, please email

For any further information, or if you have questions, please contact the IPAEA Administrator on or the IPAEA Board on

To summarise our memberships, as a journalist member you get:
- Access to the IPAEA members Whatsapp group
- Access to the IPAEA members Facebook group (you can request to join here)
- The IPAEA membership card
- Access to our monthly drinks, media briefings and other events 
- Our regular newsletters
- Free rental of our PPE

As our associate members you get:
- Access to the IPAEA members Facebook group
- Access to all our monthly drinks and documentary screenings
- Access to some of our events, on an event-by-event basis
- Our regular newsletters